Wait, what? Spending in 2021 and 2022 caused inflation to happen when? Almost immediately? Why? Why would this happen? Thanks in advance if...
I guess this means that in November, you'll be voting__ __For the largest deficit spending president in US history, who also enacted such...
This. Biden efforts reduced credit card fees. Reduced prescription drug prices. Etc., etc. But we have Trump supporters here who can't really...
You don't seem to understand basic economics or fiscal policy well enough to be in this discussion, chief. Hence all the weird non sequiturs....
You're like a Johnny Cab in Total Recall going on about "answering your question." It's not my fault you aren't processing the answer you were...
The meaning of that word "no" as elusive to you as are basic economic principles, chief? [see post #47, chief] Just do us all a favor and please...
If we base what we like on who we VOTE FOR; YOU support a socialist. Just like you support massive deficit spending. Why? Why do you support...
No, but YOU do. 2020: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act cost $2.2 trillion, making the CARES Act the most extensive...
Are you trying to voice your approval for California's fiscal situation? After all you are a staunch supporter of the largest deficit spending...
During Obama's term the economy recovered from the financial crisis, Obama lowered the federal deficit by nearly 50%, and the unemployment rate...
A little bit sensitive to anything critical of Trump are you? So much so that you're digging pretty deep for the irrelevant Solyndra reference,...
None? Sure, some. It'll just all need to be paid off later. Borrow and let someone else pay the bill. And be sure to take credit. That's the...
We saw. Stock buy backs. Works out well for top earners and stock holders. Not so much for the low income rubes Trump conned into believing he...
Hilarious. The same people that think Trump "built" the greatest economy in US history now think the economy is worse, when by most statistical...
Your children will the paying for the $1.9 trillion Trump tax cuts that went to corporations and top tax brackets. Maybe you are fortunate enough...
And now he's endorsed the insurrectionist. What a spineless coward.
Neck size is very important to me in a Senate candidate.