I don’t think Cris can be compared to Jesse Palmer. Cris, at this point in career can afford to be open. Jesse is lucky to still have a job....
Don’t hurt yourself patting that back Murphree! It’s only one good post!
Cris Collinsworth a talking head?
Well I guess getting a denier like yourself to move from “peaceful” to “mostly peaceful” is the best we can hope for. If a flaming torch is...
I give you Senior Night 2023 as evidence. I will give you Senior Day/Night next year as evidence as well.
So flames, taunting, and fence rattling are “peaceful protesting” to you. I get it, and am not surprised at all. As far as evidence, I won’t...
Did anyone hear Collinsworth last night talking about Dan Campbell and the Detroit Lions culture? When asked how has Dan Campbell been able to...
Will Germany cut off their bank and credit accounts like Trudeau did?
There is rarely truth in what you post. I have no reason to believe that there is much truth that gets filtered in your observations.
You must be very comfortable in that hole of yours!
“Supposedly”??? Right! Whose the lost one?
Typical, can’t compete so you insult. I went to the same school you did and graduated from a harder program. The only pictures I looked were...
Or maybe we’re just ready to move on from the shitshow that is biden
Remind me which country Putin invaded during Trump’s term? While your at it remind me which country Putin even threatened?
Sorry, you’re almost 15 years late.
I stopped at Palm Beach Post
I thought you took your “Rick Scott is an asshole” sticker off your car?
Agree. Peoples opinions on things are heavily waited towards their personal situation, and as alpha said the vast majority have seen a...
Why am I not surprised. I thought I heard an “amen” from all of the lefties but then remembered that most don’t believe in that.
I think that it has long been established that the race baiters that have established themselves have more than perverted Dr. King’s message and...