We can agree upon that. Communists aren’t living either. Should be open season there as well
Many who are against Roe are still perfectly fine with early term abortion. Myself included. Just like not everyone for abortion is okay with...
Vaccine mandates destroys the argument of bodily autonomy. The argument that you couldn’t go to prison is absurd as that implies you’d be okay...
Luckily not being legally allowed to physically harm another living human is a *fairly* codified right **Certainly not absolute. See vaccine...
Why can there not be a death penalty? Forget religion. Think law. One cannot harm an innocent life. The death penalty the innocence question is...
Bodily autonomy has never been a right. Dozens of dozens of examples. Many the left push and many the right push. And you cannot argue for...
I don’t see how you can argue bodily autonomy as an enumerated right given dozens of dozens of laws going against that. Drug laws, helmet laws,...
Yes. Clearly there is no consensus on when life begins… hence why this debate exists in the first place. If we all agreed it began at say 14 weeks...
That’s the debate no? Everyone agrees a woman has the right to choose… up until it’s a life. I would argue all of us are hard core pro lifers....
Yes via elected officials by the people
Regardless the point that is it is a woman’s decision (forget gender for a second here) is crazy. The entire point of contention is when the life...
I didn’t capitalize L for a reason. It all comes down to when it becomes a life, and not everyone agrees. Contraception and abortion is ok prior...
Republicans and libertarians aren’t against choice. Heck as we’ve seen they are much much more pro freedom than the left these days. They just...
What if the pregnant person is a man and the sperm donor is a woman? But seriously religion has no part in deciding this. I’m sure you would...
It’s a sarcastic reply based upon the gender wars. We have a new scotus judge not knowing what a woman is and an emoji of a pregnant man. The...
The reality is most people don’t know what Roe is. They think overturning it bans abortion. Overturning it simply says the decision on abortion...
You can elect officials that can legalize abortion as early through as late as the populace wants. That’s the point of elected officials And you...
Men can get pregnant these days
Your point is valid if a private company decided it only wanted vaccinated workers or patrons. I’d have no problem with that The government was...
But vaccine mandates are ok? People aren’t going to magically forget the mandates