Tennessee has an offensive genius as a coach. That makes a world of difference
Kentucky will blow up. Maybe UT will drop 3, UGA drops 1… and then we win out and get the East.
Hooker is pretty mediocre. It is the system. That is the most dangerous thing about it.
Which is bad college football strategy for elite programs. Our ultimate goal is to lose 1 game a year. More close games = more variance = more...
It was obvious Myron Rolle was going to do big things with his life starting on day 1. Why he chose FSU is a mystery given his later and very...
Complaining about fans is not being positive, its being negative! And we have no lost a coach due to fan expectations. SOS went to the NFL and...
There is a decently positive correlation with yards and penalties. Both offensive yards and offensive penalties as well as defensive yards and...
Again your opinion. You seem to be a proponent of favoritism and discrimination rather than equality. What you call LGBTQ rights I call...
Since arguably the main aspect of the job is fundraising I’m sure the committee did the cost benefit analysis. Sasses ability to fund raise + work...
Being a Republican didn’t get him the job but rather being a well connected US Senator with good academic credentials did that can fundraise. His...
Sure. Which would be based on politics. The protesters right now are upset that he’s a Republican, it has zero to do with his “credentials”
You think he has a bad record. Others think he has a great record. Your opinion is not fact
Sasse is relatively moderate. But even forgetting that if they nominated someone that was for grooming and college Republicans protested, what...
A university president doesn’t need to be some life long academic though. It’s a different job. His academic credentials are still pretty darn...
This may not be the board to get totally geeked out but this analysis is only surface level. For example the highest yardage offenses have a...
The Broncos coaching staff and offense is the laughingstock of the NFL right now To answer your question it’s usually a combination of both.
Because Will Muschamp was clearly an offensive genius
AR actually reads the field very well and is great at getting the ball out on time. So I’m not sure what your point is on that He struggles on...
It definitely doesn’t suit him. It’s a mediocre offensive system period. I love CBN as a CEO but he’s weak as an OC. Many recent mocks have him...
He is still highly rated and a projected first round pick. NFL evaluators look at measurables, talent and fit. AR in this scheme is like Chris...