Kelly looks like a chump.
Not gonna sugar coat it, pulling for bama.. more like, rooting against LSU
Better late then never, I guess. Let’s see what we do next week.
OMG. That was a good pitch and catch. Wow.
Has to be a TD for LSU. FG won’t win it.
That would not make a ten point lead was insurmountable. I said a TD on one of those drives would have put it out of reach.
Another season like this and he’s going to be looking for a way out.
Clemson appears nowhere near a top 10 team. ACC…
Hahahahaha LSU.
I imagine he’s wondering how to get out of it.
38-3. No excuses for Cristobal… happy Ruiz?
Kind of unusual young doesn’t seem to have the fire. Smiles a lot when plays don’t work. It’s not funny.
Hard to imagine their class not disintegrating somewhat. I mean, how much could they buy the “be part of the rebuild” when it looks to be seasons...
I think Saban rides em both like a toy pony. “You both suck, now down on all fours and be my pony”.
I love how they are kissing the arse of a 3 loss ACC team.
Not going to go over well… but I think our LB staff needs to turn it up. Can we really be so bare at LB that three of our 15 on roster do not play...
What knowledge could he bring to the meetings? Not kidding when I say I could imagine they get his input only to eliminate his recommendations as...
I imagine Cristobal knows how much Ruiz can stand, and it’s not much more.