Not enough for T&P. Even a Vegas style murder only with 50 little kids dead wouldn’t matter. Come to think of it I’ll not be giving any more T&Ps.
Wut yourself. Read what you wrote, don’t wait. Kill ‘em. Just to be sure…
Smart! I you’re afraid kill ‘em. Kill ‘em all. If you’re a coward you can do it.
I’m not a psychologist but I feel like I should be one. My reasonable working assumption is writ large these are people who feel impotent. Life...
. Well he has peroneal neuropathy, so yeah make fun of that…
I wrecked on a bike multiple times. If you don’t you’re not trying hard enough. Last one was at 25+ broke 3 ribs, road rash and a hematoma in...
You live a rich fantasy life…
I’ve got my suspicions about Winn Dixie. The employees certainly seem to lack joy…
How do you keep guys like this off juries?
It’s the western journal. Where rancid people get all the news that’s fit to consume.
They don’t. I don’t. Unless it’s 2 or more kids or 10 or more adults.
I think he’s referring to team “usuals”. Some not naming names have exhibited a considerable cruelty to those shall we say “not like them” and a...
That’s what no one gets about him you just have to mock him relentlessly (there’s so much to work with). He’d crumple like a cookie. Put Bill...
All hat no cattle.
Criming is OK if you’re a GOP”r. As long as it’s your team doing it. I wouldn’t be shocked to learn he’s crimed too.
Ack! I’m being insulted! Mods DO something!!LOL Bless your heart though…
I don’t understand any of it, because it’s not true.
I’m pretty sure my friend was only showing off and was only trying to make me woozy. I tapped out in what had to be only 10 seconds. Was stupid...