Very true. Though it begs the question of exactly how many do need to be excused. If we were to excuse half of third down failures, that would put...
Imagine someone being this condescending while defending making it illegal to use roads to leave a state to buy a beer or avoid a vaccine mandate.
I still think Utah was the better team. We were 1/13 on 3rd down, and not all of those can be excused by self made errors. However, yes, I do...
Im also curious about this.
Yes, I believe there is merit to this way of thinking. I think I first heard this model in Arthur Brooks’ book Love your Enemies, and it’s changed...
Im sorry. I inferred the hypocritical thing, since these two event would seem unrelated otherwise.
It’s a tough problem, because it feels really good to be told how stupid/evil is the other side. Of course, like many things that feel good,...
Yes it’s the same one. But I don’t think there is anything hypocritical about applauding one action and not another from the same person. In fact,...
Yes sorry, my “variation / elimination” experiment is my description of the evolutionary approach, where different random mutants compete against...
Agreed. This is why I was saying it seemed wrong to use that line of reasoning.
It’s always hard to know the true beliefs that underlie politicians’ actions. However, we could employ this same reasoning in the opposite...
Sorry I think I didn’t explain myself well. I wasn’t referring to learning theories, but instead overall school design. Let’s say that I gave you...
Im a voucher supporter in principle. Or at least I’m voucher curious. The major argument for them is really one about how knowledge is created. In...
It’s an interesting question. In The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn notes that in 1938, Stalin had some of his own party officers arrested for...
I do agree with one part of Rick’s argument here: these people are ultimately responsible for their own behavior. This mob did their thing without...
My point is that talent evaluations are hypotheses, and hypotheses, including our own, are not yet tested. I’m sure few on here would have...
Mandel could just counter asking what TAMU’s talent rating was last season. Having people think we have talent is good, but what we clearly want...
Age and term limits are interesting issues, because they both imply that we are asking for our own choices to be limited. “Please make it illegal...
Yes. My favorite college football writer predicted we would win 3 game this year total, so I’m interested in any win any how at this point.
Agreed. The line moved down to Utah by 4.5, but it still favors Utah. We have a chance obviously, but it’s going to take a great game.