I certainly agree it would be easier for a Miami resident to attend a school located in Miami. I just know that the state system already has a...
This is a good point too.
Economist Bryan Caplan agrees with you, arguing for signaling theory of college, where the value isn’t in the transformation that college causes...
I had not. Nor was I considering the state universities to be businesses in the traditional sense.
I can maybe see why Sasse would be attracted to this idea, but isn’t serving those communites why UNF and FIU already exist?
Sorry WC. At this point, it seems disconcertingly plausible that even the most overtly sarcastic comments represent beliefs that could be honestly...
Hey we’re all gators here, snatch. Plus, are there any of us on here whose mind does not seem to be made up on 90% of the issues?
The British college system is more like what you seem to desire: 3 years where students basically only take classes within their chosen major. US...
Thanks. Foreign ownership is an interesting issue. I am not versed in this area. I am assuming “broadcast license” is for a station and “common...
I know that you’re being a bit facetious here, but I would see no reason to intervene even if Fox News extolled the virtues of MBS and Saudi...
Ah thank you. I forgot about the COVID year. Huh, that would be pretty ideal if Lagway could understudy Mertz for a year before taking the reigns.
I don’t think so. He started three years before coming to Florida. https://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/4426335/graham-mertz
It’s a great album. A different sound, and I believe it was the first that a Motown artist made themselves. Gaye had to fight a huge battle with...
I love that there’s a conversation about Cannonball with multiple people participating. He’s one of my all time favorites. We actually named our...
You know, this would be my argument too. Life is too short to be maligning a group of people for acting of their own time. I’m not saying you...
This is a very disappointing outcome, but I wouldn’t write off the whole state for it. Unfortunately both national parties have begun to demand...
It’s a regrettably common occurrence. Same thing happened with the Virginia candidate sex thread. Virginia Democrat candidate posted sex acts...
Big dude.
I always thought this pledge was a terrible thing. In a moment where many claim (rightly, imo) that dissenting views are increasingly shut down,...