Very much agree. Unfortunately, we don’t have simple equations that can guide our political actions. I do think that if we are going to...
I personally am not. In fact, I am a teacher. I just wanted to highlight some examples of viewpoints that make sense to some people and really do...
I don’t speak in absolutes either, so it seems that we need to get more specific in our claims. I don’t accept the reasoning that stereotypes are...
This makes sense, but I think we need to more careful with conflating what makes sense to us and what really is. It makes sense to many that...
That you got a “come on man” for writing that your instinct is that most people are good makes my mind wobble.
Thanks for the nice words, go. Should be a good game. No prediction seems safe here.
Personally, I don’t mind if he jumps in the race. I’d probably like to have 5-10 candidates in actuality. I just mean that if your belief isn’t...
When you write this, I assume you mean “This is great news for my side.” Posters often leave out this qualifier, seemingly conflating their own...
Man, sad to hear. RIP, verti.
Interesting. I was viewing the US’ record on this front as a rather favorable one. Now we do have this problem with cancel culture, but that is a...
If that is your first principle, then indeed it is true. Of course, it is then only true by definition, and saying so becomes no different than...
I think it is actually our brains that make us partisan, and I don’t believe any of us has the option not to be partisan. As Montaigne noted, even...
@Orange_and_Bluke How can it be a “winner” to point out that one side will have to rethink their arguments in light of this and “off topic” to...
And cons will have to go Fox to figure how doing exactly what they’ve been asking for can somehow reflect badly on Biden. It’s no different.
I was not aware of this. I am not a fan of any of that. As much as I am repulsed by holocaust denial, I cannot support giving the government the...
I wouldn’t hold up the GOP as too unique of an example of this. What group doesn’t include some hypocritical actors? There are Christians that...
Ha. Yes exactly, Kiffen is the standard at 1.0, and I do think Cruz’ score went down with the beard. Pharma Bro’s smirk-thing is definitely a high...
Years ago, I invented a measure for face punchability: The Kiffen. I have to admit that Gaetz’ face rates at least 1.4 Kiffens at this point.
A sad sign of the times that this was one of the first things on McHenry’s mind.
I get what you are saying. The environment has to matter. Though, to be fair, Trump isn’t even yet the Republican nominee, so I don’t think we can...