I think him and Sully have to butt heads. It’s the only thing that explains Guy’s pt.
He had a hit, a run, and an rbi this morning. He’s a pretty consistent 270 hitter. Not streaky. If he goes to the plate five times, he’s...
Don’t mind the drunk. He’ll start trying to show you his letterman’s jacket if you keep engaging him.
Atta boy, Mikey. Where you at Jackie boy?
Every batter in the history of baseball has done it.
Shoe cleaner and a rosin bag. On just about every mound in the country
They want an extra day off
Keep hitting them at that guy
Unless they have a better view, this has to stand
Out, nice throw from Shelly
I’m not handling it at all, unless it’s a common theme. I appreciate my guys being upset with themselves for not getting it done with the season...
Lol, fake juice. Pretty common in locker rooms. Kinda like Freeze ordering up hookers for players on fri’s and sat’s, then baptizing them on...
Shelly had the video scrubbed and the rbi removed. It went in the book officially as another Cags dinger. We don’t bunt.
Clowns not putting up much of a fight
So it’s gotta be at least 1.5-2 hours between last pitch and first pitch.
They also have to empty the stadium, I think.
Dale would drag you up in a tree and feast on you for a week. :emoji_laughing:
But are you mad that toothless will coast into the championship series?
They’d only play one tomorrow no matter what. Rooting for the if necessary game to happen, and tons of innings in both games is a good idea though!