That's the problem. Need a permanent Prez, who then hopefully sends Stricklin packing, hires new AD, who in turn hires a new coach. Takes a while...
That 0-10-1 team would wipe the floor with this team.
Those powdered eggs at the Marriot must be the bomb.
So based on that who would be favored over at this point? The Samfords yes, but P4 teams? There is talent on this team, but what is the team's...
Question posed over the weekend: Does keeping him cost UF more money than paying the buyout?
Any AD worth their salt has a list of candidates stashed in his hip pocket as you never know when you may need to start making calls. That said,...
Any viable replacement won't be available until after the season anyway as he is currently coaching his current team. That said, the back...
more like a Monday De-presser :(
water bottle minus 2 points
If anyone remembers the old JV Baby Gator squads, this year's team looks like that.
SOS said years ago that losing is a habit and so is winning. We have the wrong habit.
Yep, it's one thing to play well and get beat by a superior team. We aren't even competing.
How depressing that would be to get blown out in Starkeville? MSU has to know that if they get up by two scores, this team may fold. Does BN still...
so 85 ( plus any walkons) x at least 4 staff each...that should do the trick
20/20 hindsight makes a genius out of all of us. Imagine the cashish that would have been available had we chosen more wisely over the last 15...
The loser will be looking up at vandy
Even the writing is on the wall, when do they announce it and start the search? Unless of course Napier negotiates an early out, not likely though.
A silver lining is that f$u sucks. This would be more painful if they were undefeated and ranked highly.
30 to 6 was painful.
In spite of being 6.5 favorites, we will be very fortunate to win this one. Our history there has some dismal moments and I'm sure msu and their...