of course they are
1-800 rent a coach
impeach him immediately if not sooner, we are counting on you Gym Jordan et al
Love the big brother small government crap from maga world. He should get lost.
Own him gop, you either support him or look the other way which at this point is just as bad. Another winning plank in the party platform. :rolleyes:
Yep, he has lost the fan base. The locker room can't be far behind unless that is lost to him too already.
get off my lawn! ;)
I'll always support the Gators, however the next several Saturdays my involve other things. I wish it were not so. The bottom has fallen out.
Pootie pie getting cute near Alaska: ( still going to carry water for him Gop?) Alaska on Alert: U.S. Troops Sent to Counter Russian Threats,
yes please, but not happening this year.
don't give them any ideas
Disagreeing with Trump if he gets elected again.
it is what the gop wants
so much for small government
We don't know when, but someday when the Gators are a force again we will be appreciative and look back on this period of time and be thankful...
page 136 here we come
This is what the gop wants.
If we lose this one, there likely won't be any w's left on the schedule. msu is worse than ucf or f$u. We already know what the likes of uga,...
We've tried the " up and comers" and " the next big thing". No guarantees, but a proven winner at a high level would be nice. 15 years down the...