How do you know if 96 is white or not?
The tribe has spoken.
LOL, I think that's how 99% of controversial threads end up, they can only suppress the urge for so long...
The immigrants were seen snuffing their torches as they boarded the bus.
Dang it...and I read where the obamas had aready put together a big ass cage in the back forty.
Kinda funny you guys act like this isn't already DHS policy to start quietly shipping illegals all over the country...newsflash, it is.
sorry, the article didn't attatch.
.[IMG] Martha’s Vineyard declares Humanitarian Crisis over 100 Illegals... [MEDIA]
You guys are funny, where would you rather spend your tps, marthas vinyard or desantistan?
Damn, people are dying and it's the gov's fault? :rolleyes: I guess Florida just isn't for everybody, gotta be a lib utopian state somewhere...
Yeah, they act like all those rich folks don't need servants and yard people.
Well what the heck are we supposed to do, hide out from covid the rest of our lives? Newsflash, you're not getting out alive.
They're just upset we didn't go far enough...
1st world problems.
You can bet the world initially killed a crapload of people by automatically slapping every covid patient on a respirator.
Damn, he just got uninvited to the Christmas party!
[IMG] But, but...