Nice drive! Amazing what you can accomplish without penalties
That was the best fade I've seen since Grossman.
D looking good so far.
Nice. 4 penalties in the last 5 plays.
I don't know about that. We had a very physical, junkyard dog like team in 2020-2021 with Brandon McKissick, Phlandrous Fleming, Duruji, Appleby,...
Went from a 4 point lead to a 14 point lead in 2 minutes.
Dagger 3 by Clayton!
jacking up threes early in the offense....great idea if you wan't to give the other team a chance to come back.
So undisciplined on offense. Who can we get in there that won't throw stupid passes and turn the ball over?
It's just one forced pass after another.
Turnovers!!!!! C'mon Denzel. We can't lose this unless we give it away.
I like where we are right now. Up 13 with the ball, under 8 minutes, Watkins with 4 fouls, and Clayton resting on the bench. Just take care of the...
Seems better as a two guard. He just does not know how to initiate the offense. Dribble, dribble, dribble, shoot.
Need a couple defensive stands here and push this to a comfortable 16 to 18 point lead.
what in the world is Aberdeen doing?
We are due for a run.
Just giving away possessions.
This is where we miss Pullin. The turnovers are out of control.
I love how hard Condon works.