Our entire system is a joke, from financing (all private bribes. . . er, contributions), to the fact we dedicate 8 months to a primary system that...
This part, right here. It is at the core of every stupid idea they have. Basically, insecurity. "I'm stupid and uninformed. Why can't everyone...
In short, if you never want to see any of these ads again, vote Yes on Amendment 4. Voting Yes slams the door on the Pro-Life movement forever...
Also, sounds like FL, but more extreme. I'm no D, but I do like a system with some balance to it.
Why leave that out? It's the best - most quintessentially MAGA - part!
Or criticizing them for not perfectly handling things that have never happened before. But this is both sides, just the typical American,...
Not sure where you're getting this from, but it's fiction. The idiot on The Weather Channel tried to make a stink about us not turning all the...
So, more comfort than Rick Scott's NAVY hat?
I think you forgot "Trans-Fantasizing regular on porn message board". So MAGA it hurts!
Dude, where do you find such credible sources? "I Meme Therefore I Am" . . . The new standard for journalistic excellence!!! You literally are...
No they're not. And attitudes like this will make it even harder for the normal ones to reclaim the party from the Short-Bus idiots running it now.
And willfully so, which makes it even more pathetic.
Not "pubs", MAGA. There is a HUGE difference. One is conservative in the traditional American sense of the word. The others are just stupid idiots...
This person is never going to grasp this argument, intellectually or morally. Stop wasting your time. All they do is run you in circles with their...
Nope. Just a glimpse into the mind of MAGA. Pretty amazing when you consider these are actually adults.
Yep. Go for it. Why don't you write the counter and show us all those reams of evidence you have disproving it. You'll make millions.
Yeah, because we definitely won't be seeing him on the football board. You know, the reason the legit posters are here in the first place.
It's like the anti-fracking crap. Nobody outside of the safest district has the luxury to be anti-fracking anymore. Ditto for China policy. That's...
Thank you! I was dying to hear the short-bus view. And, as usual, you didn't disappoint.
She's not dangerous, which MAGA is. It's just you'll have to settle for another 4 years of feckless leadership. Not horrible, but not great...