But it's also the truth. Don't worry though. You (and a lot of moaners overseas) will get your wish. But, in their case, it won't be what they...
Because some things change, and a lot of others stay the same. In the case of Putin and the CCP: Power. Ego. . . and that's pretty much it. You...
I'm just saying, that narrative is shit and utterly baseless. NOBODY is Communist anymore. Even the CCP just embraces the one-man/one-party-rule...
"Hardened" LOL. 10-to-1 odds in manpower and materials and here we are. . . . Wasn't this supposed to end in 2 weeks? What happened? Reality is...
The exact opposite of that. Who fills the void? Do you think they have something better to offer? The CCP? Putin? Iran? Can you name me one...
And yet, as the graph I provided clearly shows, we are and have been for decades.
You're completely and totally full of shit. See, unlike hack POSs like you, my opinion changes based on the circumstances. Some are just. Some are...
She was pandering to the left back then and her corporate ties were well documented - and used as attacks against her - in 2020. I know. I hated...
Not really. But, whatever, it's semantics at this point. Honestly, dude, who can even afford to be "extremely left" anymore? It's like fracking....
I trust my eyes and people who actually know what they're talking about, not political hacks and Russian spy agencies. I have to say, you are a...
Sorry dude, but I'm going to need a better source than official MAGA PR (aka FOX). Jesus, even the article is an absolute mess.
Sure dude, whatever you and the rest of the FSB hacks say.
Oh, and not to poop on your parade, but US deployments are at their lowest since Vietnam and have been dropping for decades. [IMG]
Actually, Ukraine is mostly about keeping Russia off the borders of Poland, Romania and Moldova (which would be toast if Ukraine fell). As for the...
And they'd eat you (and us) for lunch, because they're no different and probably worse. Key metric to look at when judging other countries in...
That's kinda everyone's foreign policy. Countries act in their own interests. PERIOD! We're probably better than most in that regards, but aren't...
Well, he is a little left. . . of the Bush's.
She has NEVER been to the left of Bernie Sanders. NEVER!!! That was the Sander's team and the left's entire line of attack with Harris. Corporate....
Agreed, but it didn't work out that way and that's probably mostly or all on Biden and his ego. Sorry, but I don't think they're good enough to...
Yet you defend him and MAGA Morons on every post. IDK, maybe we're just mirror images on that. I find her milquetoast as hell, but him (and...