Yeah, if you don't give a shit about your soldiers.
Why can't you bring manufacturing back, or move it to a friendlier and/or closer partner? It's happening now whether you realize it or not. The...
China can't do it without government subsidies. Mexican labor is cheaper and better now. This move is happening, and that's the point. It's baked...
Just the total cluelessness of this statement says a million words. Yeah, bro, nobody's pro-China. But thanks for the old, dumb narrative. Par for...
Tell that to Marjorie Traitor Chomsky the next time she parrots literal Communists to suck up to her boy Putin.
Sure dude. Whatever you say. You being such a credible voice and all.
Seems it's just the way it has to be. Sad but true.
Doesn't mean 99% of no voters aren't either. Let's just be honest here.
You know, I'm starting to rethink this and this post just convinces me I'm on the right path. Maybe the only way to kill MAGA is to let MAGA kill...
I guess the boardroom Conservatives are left to wander the woods. And the new R party is drunk people and religious fanatics. Yea!
You seem to be struggling with the concept, so let me walk you through it. We are trying to pass an amendment that would make driving legal....
No, and that's the problem. People are really, really stupid and the fact these things work is proof of that. Every one is just straight lies....
I'd bet any amount of money that they're all MAGA. I.E. they like to smoke, but their fealty to the leader takes precedent. Also, if your dumb...
Too much coffee is harmful. Where do we stop the nanny state?
So true. Even if I watch cooking videos from Europe, I'm stunned by the quality of the product they're using. Like the chickens, eggs, etc. just...
Why would you vote "No" because it won't allow for something that isn't allowed for anyway? No offense, but you've got to be a complete dumbass to...
Difference here is Opium vs. Weed, and there's really no comparison between the two, both from an addiction standpoint or an inebriation...
It's such BS the way they slide crap like that in. Who in their right mind wants to allow gill netting again? And who the hell lobbied to get that...
With you on everything but 4. Not my business. Certainly not the government's business (and they'll do a terrible job of enforcing it). But the No...
That would be stupid. The wall is a typical Trump fools gold idea as any border plan that doesn't call for a minimum doubling of border patrol is...