Russia has placed mines across a lot of territory is my understanding. So it wouldn't be as simple as just driving straight through.
I mean.. does a conservative actually have anything of value to add to this discussion besides trolling? Anyone? *crickets*
Basically burning the place to the ground
Tankies are weird creatures
Human Verification So over 100 pieces of modern mbt heading to Ukraine. Russia better win fast
So ridiculously short sighted it's hard to even respond.
Human Verification Tanks coming? Can't happen soon enough.
No one is asking the US to conquer the globe - but democratic capitalism survives like it does today because of global free trade. There are...
After the two most recent additions, assuming guys like Tony Livingston and Mark Pitts get scholarships, I count 78 on scholarship now. Not...
Also - and this is critical - if the powers that be give even TACIT approval of this kind of aggression towards a legally recognized nation, it...
China and Russia can coexist as long as the US and the western world order exists. If it was just the two of them their expanding spheres of...
The free world that includes free trade that the us and the west have created cannot exists successfully in a world with expanding...
isolationists have pretty much always been wrong.
Yeah it is. luckily for us someone else is doing the actual fighting, but big picture for the world order - hell yes it’s our fight.
My father was a senior office in the Air Force. Retired now. He tells me the same thing based on what his friends have been willing to share. In a...
Unknown - they are probs going to add 5-6 more guys before it’s all said and done. Qb is worse. Ol is worse. Wr is probs better if freshmen pan...
Wow another Russian apologist appears. seriously why do people think the us can just stay quietly in our bubble and ignore the world? smdh…
I don’t have time to link it right now but estimated suggest the us only had enough supplies weapons parts etc to sustain full war operations...
totally agree with you. If Putin and the military get their shit together, over time, they can and will win a war of attrition.