Especially the mouth breather that pulled the trigger. Didn't he drop an N bomb afterwards, or am I just making that up?
Sometimes my favorite movie flip flops between Dumb And Dumber and Snatch. If you've never seen Snatch, give it a watch. [MEDIA]
In three weeks the 7-day case increase for our 10 counties (Ben Hill, Berrien, Brooks, Cook, Echols, Irwin, Lanier, Lowndes, Tift and Turner) has...
Xiong was asked if he had any hotel reservations in DC and he made a statement that he would get one if necessary. He then went off on a tangent...
Not Jan6, but it it does have to do with DC. [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] Heh heh
Sorry, I had to... [ATTACH]
Capitol attack panel obtains PowerPoint that set out plan for Trump to stage coup "Director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics...
Np! And yeah, that sounds about right with reddit, lol. Battlefield is the only game I play, so I can't really compare it to anything. I think...
I like it. It still has some bugs that are being worked out, but that's every BF game. The big downer so far, IMO, is that there is no built in...
Battlefield 2042 is now in Beta. I played it yesterday and it's awesome! [MEDIA]
That was exactly it, the trifecta of fail. Representing himself is like saying "Suck it, justice system, I do what I want!"
If he gets charged for practicing law without a license, and he took it trial, could he represent himself in that case?
If Trump did not want them there, They would not have been there.
I see that they got it unlocked. If not, assuming there is a warrant for the device, just make a forensic copy of the disk and pull the files from...
Battlefield Portal. Combine any soldiers, weapons, vehicles, and maps from previous BF games. [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
That's someone that I think you should throw the book at.
MAGA rioter's hearing turns 'ugly' after she yells at judge while declaring herself a 'sovereign citizen' [IMG]
I guess if you want to see a shitshow, be in Tally on Saturday after lunch. "Folks, The patriots who have been hunted down by the corrupt,...