It kills me that a disease became political, how screwed is this country if we continue down this path. We need to re-open, but safely as you...
Jealous of you being in Gwinnett, you guys have some incredible food out there.
I had to go back and read his posts this morning. I admit to having a couple of post ride beers on the front porch last night, but reading those...
I have no response to your last two posts. Maybe someone with more patience wants to take a swing.
You may have some valid points, not sure as that was difficult to read. One of us is drunk.
Interesting times in GA. As a resident of Cobb county, we are seeing a spike which was somewhat expected. At the same time, the governor is...
I just read about this. I think states and even area within states need to reopen but take into account their local circumstances. Besides...
Odd. Florida has twice the population of Georgia but the same amount of active cases, Florida must be doing something right. Georgia has very few...
Who quoted a much faster doubling? Seems like 55,000 more dead Americans is a lot.
Interesting study on the shutdown and it's impact. I briefly read it, I know a few in here have a background in research and maybe can add some...
I hit the salmon and halibut season there with my oldest years ago, great fishing and we flew back with some tasty fish.
I tried math with same poster yesterday, I don’t think he understands how math works.
They don't like science and they can't do math. I am sure Devos can fix all that.
I could see why you don't like the thoughts on my posts, but I don't just make up ridiculous crap like you just did so I feel pretty good about that.
This is why i generally skip over your posts.
They arrested 500 in Atlanta, if they are only arresting .005%, that means we had millions of looters in ATL?
You have zero information to back that up, just throwing crap out. If it was true, sounds like shitty policing if they are only catching .005% of...
Let it sink in that the meme is false, but you knew that and were OK posting it.
Initial jobless claims drop to 1.9 million Still brutal, but getting better every week. I continue to bring back furloughed workers.
Georgia has been rising and we just opened bars back up. Hopefully it doesn’t get worse.