Just read this on The Hill. I don't know if I have ever seen such an abysmal lack of leadership.
Holy crap.
I don’t have any cool panoramic shots of the woods, I am normally all up in the trail system. 2 hour ride this morning, spent some time...
That's brutal.
Heard this story on NPR this morning. Despite the border being closed to non essential traffic, , US pleasure boats are sneaking into the island...
Delta flight returns to gate after two passengers refuse to wear masks I know science is hard and has plenty of big words, but people have to...
Who knew masks could help contain a contagious disease? oh wait, everyone knows. Just too self centered to wear one.
They pull victim-hood stories off Fox and OAN and run with it. No need to read or think critically.
More from the AJC on this gathering of Mensa: Georgia camp outbreak shows rapid virus spread among children Three-quarters of the 344 attendees...
Idiots. How many other people did they infect?
Arizona, Mississippi, Florida see record one-day coronavirus deaths This hoax is getting serious.
I hit the Salmon and Halibut run there a few years ago with my son. My boys both eat fish, I swear halibut seemed like they were designed for...
Yeah, that was a smart move. Who could have seen this coming: After reports of multiple positives, WWE to perform coronavirus tests ahead of...
Apparently, science didn't care what "he felt".
The rate of drop slowing makes sense to me. My understanding was that it was dropping because we were getting better at treatment and more young...
I am not sure, we just have netflix in our house. I see most of their ads when they get reported on The Hill.
"Trump Virus". Rolls better than kung flu. Latest Lincoln Project ad: 'It's Trump's virus now'
I would have thought your argument was obvious, even for those with harvard style math. US has a lot more people getting infected and a lot more...
Unfortunately, the maga crowd appears to be all about "everyone gets a trophy". Don't really need to be the best or even in medal contention, I...