Well now you're moving the goalposts. I didn't say it was easy. I didn't say life was good or fair back then. I said that slaves had skills and...
In the interest of transparency, I think the forum should know why the post was edited. It's not like I called out anyone in particular. I was...
No, it doesn't. I think you're misconstruing my statement. When I say "jobs," I'm talking about post-emancipation work for pay where they are free...
A mod edited a post of mine for pointing out someone is lying. Let me get this straight, you can slander a poster saying that they are trying to...
He's lying because I'm not rationalizing slavery. I'm putting it in context and, in contrast to what some of the lefties here would have you...
SlAvEs HaD nO sKiLlS gUyS.:confused: Cultural Landscape of Plantation--SLAVE SKILLS AND TALENTS. "Slaves had many noteworthy skills and talents...
Not an attempt to rationalize at all. EDIT: Stop “unnecessarily antagonizing.”
"Status akin to slavery." There was no improvement between emancipation and the end of Jim Crow? It was all "status akin to slavery?" Then like...
Your perception of truth is that men can get pregnant and farming, cooking, and cleaning aren't marketable skills and provide zero economic...
You have a very interesting perception of the meaning of the word "truth."
I apologize. You did clarify in the second paragraph. I got a little tunnel vision after reading the first one.
Gator_lawyer logic: Black people have been placed in an absolutely hopeless situation ever since they came to America via the slave trade. The...
Frederick Douglass was an achievable standard for some was he not? The man existed, it's not like he was a fictional character. You still haven't...
You are trying to peddle the lie that Blacks have been put in circumstances that they cannot possibly overcome without some White liberal savior....
You weren't joking, you were mocking in a manner that mischaracterized my point when I thought we were having a good discussion. You're free to...
You, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth flip-flopping when convenient.
Such horseshit. I tried folks. The market has decided. We prefer this: [img] to this: [ATTACH]
Marxist: "The laborers provide all of the value, the owning class is worthless without the laborers." Also Marxist: "Anybody can do what the...
I guess every unpaid intern who has ever worked was just wasting their time. I'm not particularly a fan of unpaid internships, but I don't think...
I'm convinced you can't have a nuanced discussion on this forum. I've tried but I really give up. There's a handful of exceptions but good Lord is...