Be honest guys, do you think modern movies are typically better than movies even 15 years ago? Despite the resources and the money, most movies...
Tbh, I'm mostly mad about the movie because Ken is literally me.
Yes, people wanted to see Barbie for the plot, not for the sets, the cast, or the costume design. Shoehorning in preachy politics via this Trojan...
Much respect, Lacuna. God bless.
Correct. And I do not fall in the category of the rugged blue collar physical worker. I'm just saying you have to account for those people when...
Pro fighter (male or female) fighting someone who doesn't know how to fight (male or female) will always win, especially if the pro fighter is...
Agreed, that's really a "race-to-the-bottom" way of thinking. I think reasonable critiques can be made of "equality of outcome" based on the...
Well you may think that's obvious, but if you think there are no differences between the sexes, you would have to explain why a man hitting a...
Fair point.
I wouldn't say it's advocating for second class status for men. But it certainly piles on to the notion that no harm can come to the oppressor...
The movie hates men. Lol. It doesn’t present a nuanced view of the real world of men. It presents real-world men as misogynistic pigs and the...
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most of those are based on real history or are sequels to franchises that started over a decade ago.
The question is the motive, but the timing lines up for something sketchy for sure.
Looks like there’s a lot of smoke, but not quite a smoking gun yet. At the end of the day, statements by a crackhead only go so far, but they’re...
It only takes a couple to soil the well. I don't want to single anybody out on the forum. The mods know who I'm talking about and the mods I'm...
Respectfully, Oklahoma, I have no issue with you personally or with what you're doing here. You're standing up for your people and I completely...
Apparently me and a handful of others are the only ones the rules apply to. Again, the Biden DOJ would be proud.
Lol. I said some mods "are obtuse" and that's edited by a mod. You call men on this board pigs and that's an "opinion." Lying that another poster...
Remember, these are the same people who think money in politics is implicit bribery. Nevermind the statements by Hunter admitting his father's...