How do you feel about those hours of your life that were waisted listening to those clowns?
Funny how those who are starting a victory parade over inflation were the same ones saying in 2021 and early 2022 that the massive government...
If you want to think all is rosy, then please do. A fool and his money are soon parted.
Yes, please. Then just turn off the lights go to bed early.
So please feel free leave your keys in your car, your garage door open and your house unlocked.
Sense of humor is very important to me in a normal human being.
This is pencilneck vs. bullneck.
What break was he “given” that wasn’t earned? Honest question, I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make.
Right after college, I had a side gig working security at Orange County convention center, usually for concerts. That guy was lucky he didn’t try...
Your quote is my example
I disagree that we seriously go after drugs. We seriously go after low level losers and interdict large shipments. Never going to work. Peel...
There is no appetite among our political class to seriously go after drugs. There is not enough faith in government among our electorate to EVER...
Which brings us back to the 1992 election when Ross Perot was ridiculed for saying NAFTA would only create a huge sucking sound of US...
Sometimes I think that you must gather some friends together, post something like this just to watch the fireworks. I didn’t spit out my tea when...
There’s simply no other no other way to portray the lunacy of the liberal left than wet dreams and circle jerks. Don’t get too close to him tonight.
That’s quite beneath you Rade.
Well if he had been convicted of those charges we would not be having this discussion. But the fact of the matter is that he has not even been...
Only Libbies and Noles are delusional enough to deny the reality of a 9-0 decision.
I don’t understand how someone who is NOT in a specific group can credibly talk about the expectations of the group they are not a part of.
I’ll be nice and say that there was limited interest in the Treasury offering.