YOU, YOU of ALL people telling someone to be well rounded??? That coming off of your keypad has to even have a good portion of the liberals here...
And another piece of the puzzle falls into place.
Give us the facts of those cases and I will be glad to. Please note that I said “facts”, not liberal ramblings and fantasies of some left-wing...
I can’t tell whether this is nonsense, dishonesty, or just mental masturbation!
Me too! I miss him. Im pretty sure we rubbed elbows in Gainesville in the early 80’s. We went the same places on the same nights for the same...
I’ve used a discount broker to sell 3 and buy 2 homes since 1994. His package was 4%. 3% to the Buyers agent and 1% to him. If you subsequently...
Georgia needs to seriously beef up the ethics and standards of conduct policies and laws. First we have an elected official (let’s say her name...
We have not had anything but a “lesser of two evils” election since 1992.
I have cast no aspersions. I would ask Keith Boykin the same question I asked you. That was a slanted article written by an apologist for bad...
I believe it is quite obvious that Lemon wasn’t speaking either to or for all black people. He was not speaking to , and most likely for those...
Fair enough on your last point. But you do not need a DEI Office and large staff to look over the managers running the program. The feedback...
My bad. I should have said “no professional credentials and therefore had no standing or respect from the workforce”
I will attempt to reply to both of you posts in one. For background, I did not grow as a “child of privilege” in any way, shape, or form other...
If you are talking to a liberal WRT race, illegal immigration, sexism, and LGBTQ(and whatever additions are made this month), then the short...
Kiffin in Tallahassee would be tabloid heaven.
I’m assuming that you got in his face and told him such, right?
I didn’t read it because of my note above. But my $.02. UF football is where it is because of one Jeremy Foley. Foley blatantly deemphasized...
You lost me at Kanell. I only wish that Kanell was a couple of years older so that he could have taken the beating that Casey Weldon took from...
Works for me
Tell us where and when you want to try and cut.