The reputation was tarnished when the media jumped full on because they thought they count “get” Jordan, and therefore pull in Trump. $40M or so...
What is true is that it was a gold rush, and Ohio State was the mine.
Not turning a blind eye to anything other than liberal nonsense.
Well you can fantasize all you want, but if that information comes out unredacted I will be proven right and dozens of politicians (from both...
Somebody has been watching too much msnbc.
You obviously don’t pay much attention. I believe you will find Mr. Bill Clinton’s throughout the Epstein records. He had a large Frequent Flyer...
I try, but many of your guys ridiculousness has no other way to dsscribe it.
I would welcome it under any conditions.
More liberal wet dreams. IF, and it’s a huge IF, Epsteins files are ever released unredacted, half of DC would have to resign.
Even after warm milk and Jackie Gleason re-runs, pretty sure I could make short work of you. Since you are even denser than I even imagined,...
True, but when they book vacations on the company travel card they get fired. If you could actually reduce your constant anger and emotion you...
That is just outstanding!
Irrelevant from a legal standpoint but not irrelevant. If this came of probably any corporation, the press would be all over this like stink on...
I think most laws were written with the assumption that politicians had at least some honor and ethics. We obviously have known for quite some...
And let’s hope that they do. And back to my original post, Georgia has work to do on their laws. That someone who does this does not have any...
I didn’t say the judge was wrong, but she should be removed not only from the case but from office. I would fire anyone who did something similar...
I think you will be hard pressed to find me to have said much about Hunter Biden other than there sure looks like an investigation was needed.
She’s more than a moron. I think you know that.
You deserve prosecutors with ethics the like of Willis. Stay tuned. If she had to campaign on not boning subordinates there’s probably more to...
So what do you call hiring you unqualified boy toy and then directly benefitting from his taxpayer funded expense account?