The part that confounds me the most is that they will rail against being injected with a vaccine based on an inactivated (attenuated) virus, yet...
My wife and I only recently (August) cut the cable cord and have used combination of streaming platforms, so we just discovered this show at...
Another CHIPS investment into Saudi Arabian owned chip foundry Global Foundries for expansion in Malta, NY and Burlington, VT. US to Award $1.5...
I am hitting all of the Nerd stereotypes here, but I used to build them for people when I was in college.
Wolfspeed (formerly Cree's Semiconductor Division) It will be on their campus in Malta, NY It is being paid for by CHIPS ACT money IF....big if,...
1 - massively expensive to produce relative to Si based technology. 2 - largest compound semiconductor fabs in the world are in Taiwan 3 - Ga, In,...
This might be the first credible article that you have posted in this thread. There was nothing in the study that was particularly negative....
What about a woman's period? Don't they "murder" an unborn child every 28 days or so?
That is really weird that those are all Republi-ban states where they don't believe in COVID, yet they have long COVID.
Would guess that many of the companies involved in the driving technology development are privately held or do not show much profit yet....
Didn't Republicans invent a candidate in Florida. I mean, almost all of the illegal activity/ corruption last election was perpetrated by the...
My father battled it for 16 years after a massive heart attack and the discovery that 80% of his heart muscle was "dead". However, my mother is...
He has not been able to get loans from any US based banks in a long time. That is why Provda Bank holds most of the loans for Trump Inc.
Not sure what the "op" reference is here, but I started this thread and I did not mention anything about training. In fact, I mentioned having...
This has to be reason 1,000,001 as to why patrol officers should be psych evaluated by outside professionals on an on-going basis. If this idiot...
I mean, for how much democrats and independents loathe and disdain him, this certainly suggests he is the perfect representative of the Republican...
Just finished the latest American Scandal podcast from Wondery. 4 part series documenting the corruption of the Baltimore PD and how the FBI...
However, it is this kind of garbage, being spread as "facts" by morons in our country and promoted by money grubbing quacks like Kennedy and Vinay...
Unlikely. Ore deposits like this are extracted through open pit mining approach. The same way you mine for uranium, which poisons ground and the...
I guess I was too young and never realized that the Sneetches, The Lorax and the Grinch were causations?