There was no wall to wall news coverage and digital media, so I agree the average American did not know. However, almost everyone in Washington...
Repetition of that phrase shows the true extent of the brain washing of the Republi-ban peasants.
I am always a bit tongue-in-cheek with Rick. I actually admire how committed he is to his views and even though I could not disagree more with...
Well, we once elected a president to a second term who was already demonstrating diminished capacity at a much younger 74 years old in 1984. So,...
Reading up on your Japanese and WWII history I see. Well done. Japan has already done this and it was not very productive. In fact, only 5...
Well, NORAD ended the saga over the weekend. Small, nonthreatening balloon intercepted over Utah by NORAD
Both weird and sad that you and the rest of the Republi-ban who worship him do not hold him to that same standard? Trump's derangement, and...
You simply cannot fix stupid.
Sadly, he represents a large number of Americans (especially governors and state "surgeons general) with an absolute woeful knowledge of anything...
That is a couple hundred more students who actually earned their way into the university. Also, most of that money is wasted on semi-pro athletes...
We also have no idea how long the polio vaccine provides protection. The entire concept of these vaccines is that you reach a critical number of...
Not sure how anyone else spends their time, but....between my wife, my job, my dog, my outdoor hobbies, our investment in community work and my...
Haley does not need to even be close, just hang around long enough to see if Trump gets convicted anywhere.
I am not sure I have ever seen a less educated, less medically knowledgeable about disease transmission "medical expert" in my life. The parents...
He is also a fantastic liar and hypocrite, so he should be perfect for the White House. I would vote for him tomorrow over any of the other...
Well, when we throw all of the semi-pro athletes who have no business being at a university out, more of those legitimate students who are being...
Who said it was not detected before it was over the US? All the story said was that it was "reported" on Friday, not "just detected" on Friday.
More blaming others without acknowledging horrible parenting.
It is stunning to me how easily manipulated the Republi-ban sheep are. 30 million Chinese still live in caves. Another 120 million live in homes...
Guess Tom Metzger died? ** Google update - Metzger did die in 2020. Explains his absence.