Okay, let me try. A positive is that he is playing young players who at least on paper are invested in his way of thinking. The only issue is...
I am positive that this thread isn't going to lead to much quality posting.
Um, you didn't quite do it correctly. Let me help you. [img] You are welcome.
I realize we are all wanting this bad taste out of our collective mouths. Just realize that, as fun as it feels with Bell for us oldies, he had a...
I believe you are seeing the glass half empty. In other words, you see "facts" and construct a dialog that supports it. It is...human. IMO, an...
The Force is strong in this one...
I thought I would wait a while until I posted this. I didn’t know when to post, with all the post-game vitriol. Anyways, to give you the...
Well, time to close this up. We are not going to play tough. Napier is out of his element in this type of game. Damn pity.
Probably not going to post much, but I thought I would here. We are acting like a finesse team and we are playing a tough team. It may be about...
I believe what you mean is, what is the play/players involved in the next TD against Kentucky. I think the answer is... Wayne Peace the 3rd...
17-14. Someone wins the game.
If I may opine, I have an alternative take to what you are implying. What we can agree is that there is something missing. Where we disagree, if I...
If I may get into your conversation, two things come to mind. The first is that it took Stoops quite a few years to implement his idea of a...
This is going to be a classic game. Well, classic in a conventional way. Besides a weird ball bounce (see Utah game, 2022), this game is going to...
Before the Tennessee game, I got prepared by stocking up on more bourbon. It seemed to work. Then came Charlotte. I think I have to change...
Sorry I did not read all the posts. I am sure there was plenty of discernment and more than a couple of "see, I was RIGHT!" comments. Obviously,...
IMO, Dilfer 2.0 was Blake Bortles, 2017 version. He thought he was Roethlisberger 2.0 but was instead a better runner than Chad Henne. During the...
Weird game at the end. NC State did not stop the 4th down play that allowed the TD, the penalty on the lineman to push the 2 point play back to...
There is a saying about a blind squirrel being right about the time twice a day, but I forgot what it is.
Simply, North Carolina is the buffer between my great state of Virginia and the Great Unwashed of the South. Think of it as a sewer filter.