My preferred line is a sports car in dire need of a valve job.
I will simply say, He is what he is. He isn't a redshirt freshman.
Well, when you are served lemons...
Hey, we are going to DOMINATE the Vandy rivalry moving forward. I foresee us winning at least 50 percent of the games between the two teams. We...
"Scared money don't make money." How quaint.
So he is saying that the game is SO "in the bag" to not worry? Or is he saying "f__k it, I am going to check out before my blood pressure gets to...
Yes...if he is the weakest link. But if the play calling, and the meh defense against a meh opponent at home after a damn bad loss, is the...
I presumed that the final score would be 40-7. It seems we are moving in that direction. IMO, the question is, will either Miller or Brown...
As of now, the game is more about Vandy losing it rather than the Gators winning it. It is what it is.
Coachspeak is "acceptable" when you are winning. It is uningratiating when you are losing. And IMO it indicates that they are not attuned to what...
He will get it, sooner (better) or later (less so) or he will be replaced around the 4th year, unless he somehow finds a magical connection to...
All I am going to place out here is... He WILL get that his system is flawed with him being OC, whether he muddles through the season or not, and...
Yes, it is called "bird cage liner."
Okay, one more "classic" that no one, and I mean NO ONE, says anymore: "Extra, extra, read all about it!"
Um, not a phrase per say, but a concept: penny candy
Oops, I forgot one more "classic" (sort of): Go bananas, go go bananas!
And since this is in the SG forum, this is a "classic" that doesn't get used much anymore, although it may become re-instituted: Wait till next year!
When they were passing out brains, you thought they said "trains" and so you asked for a slow one. And for my classic (I use it regularly in Too...
My guess is his watch fell off his squirrel. It happens.