I don’t believe that for a second; undoubtedly the media revels in a good scandal or other drama but not the blood of innocent adults and...
Still waiting for the first post “destroying” another poster. Not holding my breath though.
No, they don’t “want” more, they just find the losses acceptable.
Congratulations all of you hiding behind the Second Amendment as reason to do nothing. This is on you. [MEDIA]
Sigh. [ATTACH] The next time someone says video games are causing America’s gun problem, show them this chart...
Is this just a standard umbrella policy (I have one of those) or is there a specific insurance for firearms?
Warranted for people of your ilk.
So if we’re following this butterfly effect to say gaming could be a a factor in mass shootings then where are the shootings in all the other...
It’s also the one thing that separates us from other first world countries.
You can go find actual studies on this showing it doesn’t lead to violence. Go find another excuse.
Seriously, screw anyone defending existing gun laws and blocking any new meaningful legislation to address this.
It constantly amazes me when I see people espouse views of the world so divorced from reality.
Obsolete is a bit strong. A little over 1/4 of each barrel of crude oil is used to make products. I’m not sure what happens with the refining...
I think the way in which it was carried out was meant to be seen, not actually effective.
That couldn’t have been a serious assassination attempt. A drone blowing up near the top of a dome in the middle of the night where Putin doesn’t...
I haven’t followed who is breaking what. I know the latest Thomas school payment revelations came from someone else. I think it’s clear that...
First I’ve seen of it and I agree it warrants looking into it. No Justice should be above scrutiny.
Obvious play there. It’s pretty infuriating since they’ve already sent numerous assassination squads after Zelensky.
It’s not a blanket statement - just as saying we allow people to drive 75 on our interstates does not mean you can drive 75 on all interstates....
A VPN is your friend. [IMG]