Clemson not a real good defensive team - will make some E's
Way to put the reverse double jinx on him
what'd you say?
Way to hit it where it was pitched Cade
Weird, I get so much smarter and charming when I'm over served -and I agree with you
Was that a hanger or what?
On radio broadcast I can hear music between every pitch when Clemson is batting - every pitch ? c'mon man When postseason is in G'ville they...
I dont think going to the bullpen in the 2nd inning was what Sully planned for today
Go Purple Aces. Up 8-5 bottom of 6th edit: 10-5 bottom of 6.
If you believe hard enough anything is possible. [MEDIA]
Oh yeah, forgot all about that trip of a lifetime to Bali and those other trips too. Was that wrong? Clarence Thomas discloses trips with GOP...
Given the members with actual national security experience that were passed over these appointments would seem to be a trade for something down...
You will
Typed like a real hetero.
Lesbians must be God’s chosen people then. They have such low rates.
OK but given that who would you want?
Well, if they are not making a livable wage they will end up getting food benefits and section 8 housing and other entitlements and so (we) the...
Seems a bit backasswards to me that the proceeds will go to his lawyers and if anything is left over it will go to the families of the Sandy Hook...
Least objectionable in order Tim Scott Marco Rubio That’s it.
Very few Americans are willing to labor that hard under the sun for the wages it pays. But when the deportations happen those wages will have to...