Take a heater in the head Cade - for the team
Hasn't learned to hit a breaking ball yet either. He does hit the straight ones though - they can go a long way
Man, that is a long way to the CF wall. Mikey was running and running
On Ball 4 one-hopper . Need to give Cags a chance to drive in runs.
Would be the last challenge if we lost it. Must want to save it for a game changer . He looked out but who knows how it would have been called
Somebody wake up WingTee - we're behind 2-0
Lambkin is throwing the breaking ball right on/near 'nuff the black to the right hand hitters. Impressive
98 mph on that strike 3
Grip it and rip it.
Looks like Blue has a generous zone early on
Nap and rally. time to go Gators
When i lived in Collier County I registered as Republican in order to vote in local elections as they were all decided in the primaries. Loyalty...
LouisvilleGator? Maybe
And Matt Bevins
Your prediction of a trump landslide gives me such hope. Let’s Go Joe
Drone vs Drone. Ukraine has developed a way for their small inexpensive drones to find and destroy the invader’s larger, more expensive drones....
^^^^^^ What a travail for this poor woman. In the end though, a victim of her own lack of critical thinking - as we all are. I understand your...
Being told they don’t belong in Omaha has put a chip on their shoulder. I like that for the Gators. We need every intangible we can get.
Im sure LSU must hold this record because there’s no Uni in Key West and WingTee doesnt go every year.
And now Federal Judge Kacsmaryk (of course) now says even background checks before purchasing a firearm should not happen....