Man on 1b 1 out Ks/Kurland hits into 6-4-3 DP Gators 3-1
1 on 1 out B/Ks/B/Ks on hit and run Thomas to 2nd /Ks/B/ Mikey singles down LF line Thomas in Really nice AB
1 on 0 outs Kc/B/B/Ks/Kc - FB right down the pipe
New Earl - O'Toole RHP 2-0 5.86 era Kc/ Thomas singles thru right side
2 out 2 on Kc/Ks/F7 Ortiz flies out Gators 2-1 (dang this is hard)
1 out. 2 on Brueggman F9. runners hold
1 out Clemente done Menendez 0-0 5.14era LHP in Man on 1B and 2nd
Wow Dale!
The old stumble steal?
Wilson is on 3rd. Lets see what can happen
Wilson is a clutch dude
Off the wall I think but why didn't Mikey get waved around?
Brody needs to lay off those off-speed pitches in the left hand batters box or else that is all he will see.
Yeah, noticed that - he is geeked but adrenaline wears off eventually
I agree. Given the flaws with this team, it is already an achievement for them to push the host team to the final game in my view