I don’t think he made a bad decision. Lose the battle win the war type of thing. CBN probably didn’t anticipate the gap being this wide either....
I am answering the OPs question. It’s safe to say the RB cost us hundreds of yards early season and the switch gained us hundreds of yards since....
You are indirectly advocating for a different style of drafting and development of QBs. Basically getting a bunch of them in round 3+ and see if...
The aggregate mocks are actually relatively accurate. And I disagree with bodies. Most leagues actively lobby to push back draftable age. College...
This is a key point. What does being ready even mean? Step in as a starter? Nobody is saying that What we are saying is he will most likely be...
How is it a stretch? The sample size is large. The production difference is consistent and massive. Early season RB rotation sacrificed hundreds...
Three Gators in the first including AR If you guys think AR isn’t ready what about Will Levis? AR at least puts some fear in the opposition....
Our offense isn’t designed for quick strike. CBN is heavily reliant on the run and he seems to not be able to get out of that mindset. I’m not...
I thought it was fun. It’s what makes college football cool. It’s a rivalry. Our rivals think SOS and Urbs are classless aholes too.
They get paid. But of course there are a lot of busts. But acting like us message board gurus know better than the industry is a little arrogant....
I don’t mind Richt. He is about as classy as it generally gets for a HC in that era and now he’s sick but still working. This is the stuff that...
Then you must think AR is a HOF QB. Daniels is easily bottom tier SEC QB.
I don’t think people fully grasp the lost production between MJ/ETN and Wright those first handful of games. In the UK game if MJ/ETN got...
Offense: 1. Wright is no longer our #1 back 2. More 11 personnel Defense: 1. More down lineman 2. More man 3. TD playing a lot better Also...
We need to hire a staffer that helps with end of half management
Can we please end the 2 TE formations
I hate our 2 minute offense
He has never been elite. He’s mediocre at best
Kentucky isn’t good. Stoops is so overrated. They are what they’ve always been. We just fell off a cliff closer to their level
Daniels is not an elite QB