the phone case at his show was like a transport to the 1990’s. People listening and laughing. A low tech solution for a high tech world. Yondr
good news, but cautiously optimistic. certain sectors of the economy are in for a crash with looming debt refinancing negotiations. A perfect...
The spin: this is what democracy looks like. The Dems just fall behind their chosen insider and are a dictatorship. The impact: a shut down of...
[img] the election predictions keep getting better.
I am skeptical of this survey. The framing of the question always sways the response. My eyes tell me the far right is physically militant with...
If Bohr’s theory and Einstein e=mc2 is correct, upper limit of possible elements is 137 before the electron v > c Humans have only observed 118....
Scalise is out! WASHINGTON—Rep. Steve Scalise withdrew from contention for House speaker late Thursday, after clinching the Republican Party’s...
Positive news. A tame inflation report on Thursday would likely kill the prospect of an interest-rate increase by the Federal Reserve at its next...
This whole time I thought you were “Ben Spaz” JK!
Slightly OT: History and the Carter conspiracy seems to be repeating. A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election
Several key facts on this case are coming to light and make this case at risk of being dismissed. 1. The Moore’s share ownership changed over...
all that matters… Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Nevada
I’m at 25% skepticism and 75% wishful thinking. I am 100% that WSJ is politically in the bag for the right with their cavalier reporting.
See post #248. Says officers of IRGC. Very damming if true and coordination with Hezbollah.
With the amount of money we and other Western allies spend on intelligence, we are blind to an incredible degree. “DUBAI—Iranian security...
This is very sad. Hope that both sides can see there is no winner, only death and destruction. Land splits, borders, and homogeneous religious...
Texas: we need border security Federal Govt: ok Texas: we don’t want big govt Fed Govt: ok Texas: you don’t do anything. We want to secede Fed...
I’ve inserted humorous quotes on this site from the book over the years. “The United States needs some theology and geometry, some taste and...
Let’s not spend money when interest rates are near zero but let’s spend money when rates are 5%? dumb.