How are you personally being screwed by Joe Biden. In your own words. I just checked by ass and it’s intact. Maybe you have a nightly visitor...
And in fact that document is still missing IIRC correctly. Any guesses as to where it is?
Most GOP’rs who are self aware loathe themselves for obvious reasons but they can’t broadcast those reasons to the world and are compelled to rail...
yeah maybe if you’re a mechanic at a car dealership or a cashier but study after study proves the point. People who actually do work remotely on...
He’ll get to know those types much better in prison.
Apropos to nothing but didn’t one of our Trumpaloons just two months ago say China was about to replace the US as the worlds currency of record...
Pride week in St Pete shatters records with family drag show for all Attendance soars at St. Pete Pride’s family day, with more security
Bigot mouths off vs Pride week perma loses 2/3’s of his customers. Racking up the wins Louisiana farmer facing economic hit after social media...
He’s not saying some. The best thing about the the pandemic was that workers finally got to give corporate America the high hard one. I spent 30...
So what, he’s an bitter asshole who pines for the past because he can’t understand my workers should be empowered and not just be servile drones.
He doesn’t have any..
Fortunately he won’t be among us too much longer. That guy is a non stop bitch machine. He’s got to be a miserable person to be around.
That’s why immigrants are so important to out economic future. Educated people can focus on high value add roles. Of course it suck for pour...
Happy happy Joy! Trump likely looking at 5 centuries prison! Trump Maximum Sentences Add Up To Staggering 536 YEARS In Prison For All Counts...
If that evidence did exist it would not come out. Where discussing 37 docs the govt referenced. There’s obviously plenty they didn’t bother with...
How is it in anyway “inconsistent” with his history. He’s 100% transactional. If he thinks he has something of values he’s going to sell it or...
I saw something that insinuated they were helped by indigenous people but didn’t really come out and say it. Seems the only thing that makes...
Whatever helps you sleep at night, but no. Just no. The dude sells anything he can make a buck on water, teddy bears, vodka, efts, straws wine...
The low IQ base can’t change, they literally get stupider every day. What’s needed is a political death cure, and they’re doing it to themselves....
Reading this thread I wish I could bottle up the tears of outr Trumpaloons. I could sell that for big bucks. I only hope that the hard core...