I agree, but to be fair, his connections are a bit stronger than being here a year. His wife is also a former Gator athlete, and his daughter,...
In a thoroughly unsurprising move, I’m going to agree with you about wanting the market to decide this. I am agnostic about the quality of Florida...
I get what you are saying. Clearly, Trump strikes a nerve. Of course, it feels like there are almost as many posts alleging TDS as there are posts...
There are a diverse set of approaches to answering a question like what is best for us to eat. The evolutionary adaptation inference method you...
New short term study on 22 sets of identical twins suggests that a plant-based diet has cardiovascular benefits over a meat-based diet. 22 sets...
This is a fair question. Of course I like the NCAA bball tournament, so does that completely nullify my argument for football? I would say games...
Unfortunately, I do feel that I’m beginning to better understand how such a development can occur.
Agreed, but this ends up being true by definition. I am interested in identifying the best team, and it just seems exceedingly unlikely that the...
Gators: 94 Warriors: 61 MVG: Clayton SOG: +5
Yes, that’s a good point. I still think four can work with five conferences because, while the distinction between #4 and #5 might be murky, the...
I actually liked the four. The whole point was just to identify the #1 team, and four seemed a good balance between the two team model, which once...
Yeah I thought the comment was pretty funny.
I understand the feeling. It’s easy for us today to see the civil war academically as a bunch of good guys vs a bunch of evil guys, but songs like...
Im sorry. You used the term “group of Canadians”, so I was just responding to that.
This thread seems more like an attempt to bash the right than analyze it, which I don’t think is very productive.
Not all Canadians. Levon Helm who was a southerner play a role in writing the song: The song was written by Robbie Robertson, who spent about...
Actually, this is a well known human bias called loss aversion. Loss aversion - Wikipedia
I’ve been excited for this for a while. Thanks for the report.
You may be right, but then the barrier isnt lack of commitment from the US but non-agreement from Israel. My overall point is only that strong...
I take your point on the speed of the Crimean takeover. I also think there is a lesson with the current war. Even with all the support that...