This is opposite tack that many defenders of Trump take, often claiming that the real criminals are the leakers and whistleblowers.
This part is interesting. I makes me wonder if this ruling could even bolster the conservative arguments that social media platforms should be...
Agree with doc that the responsibility lies with the author and not the editor. In addition, in my experience, there isn’t even a proper editor...
This argument seems besides the point as the electoral college does nothing to protect election integrity. Electoral votes from states come...
If we value the interests of the nation over those of the political parties, I think the virtuous path is pretty clearly the proportional...
Indeed. However, that one has a right to a particular course doesn’t in the slightest sanction that course as virtuous.
I guess I’m not seeing this connection. If millions prefer Biden to Trump or vice versa for president, how are my rights invaded, except through...
If this is about ease of overthrow, it still would seem we are effectively back to installing checks and balances. And for this Madison gave us...
I think the question is what makes a monarchy superior? And I guess I don’t know if we talking about just changing the way in which the leader is...
The dangers of unfettered democracy had been recognized for thousands of years and certainly did not escape the notice of the founders. As Madison...
Gators: 85 Spiders: 71 MVG: Clayton SOG: +9
Why would people buy them if they are crappy and flavorless?
To the first point, it still seems to me that if the regulations are good, they would assist in producing a better product. Your second point...
He wasn’t exactly the same, but we were graced with a pretty dang good replacement in Brett Nelson.
Your point here, clearly crucial to the matter, is an interesting one. I wonder why couldn’t also the conditions of growth also be factored into...
This kind of science is tough to evaluate. I can say that there is some legitimate reason to suspect many parents have become overly...
I also think pretty low. Here is some context for that: Less than half of U.S. adults (47%) could name all three branches of government, down...
I definitely wouldn’t respect that decision.
Well that is disappointing indeed.