Slackman, Dike, and Lagway.
All lies. He was kicked out for getting caught cheating, not once, but, twice. He also not only committed a crime by taking possession of a...
I guess you could be a legacy Seminole and that would be a little more embarrassing...
Anybody heard anything about any Gators that are likely to transfer? I'm sure there will be some for almost every school because that's what has...
Agree completely. Give the players one month to transfer, period. That allows rosters to stabilize and coaches to get on with the business of...
I guess Top 12 is what's important these days.
Miami first of all, because, well... it's Miami and it's the first game of the season out of the blocks to set the tone. Then, Texas because...
Well stated.
Now Umanmebenedict is saying he didn't mean it to sound like that and he should have just said there were coaching style differences. Trying to...
The entire defense.
... unless he played for Alabama or Georgia... then no flag.
High hard hit to the neck area leading with the helmet. They'd probably even call the receiver defenseless. 100% sure that wouldn't fly today,...
The sad thing is that Wright's hit would be a penalty with ejection today.
Whatever the specifics of his injury are, I believe I have read that it was pre-existing, so, probably not a shock to the staff. Didn't sound...
I'm sure it will be one of their cupcake games.
First of all, trashing coaches that are no longer at Florida accomplishes what exactly? Secondly, since these brats are now professional...
Maybe not committable since he took the post down.
It's encouraging to me that we have a proven experienced QB1, and, a true freshmen QB2 with an extremely high ceiling who is ready to learn from QB1.
I agree with that, too, but, I don't feel like there is anything else to gain by adding numbers to the SEC. The strength is already there.