Yes, he should be closer to that point. But, everybody needs to learn the system, get accustomed to the speed of the college game and the skills...
Seems like we always lose someone crucial to our team in the Georgia game. They always play so physical, win or lose.
You mean, a player is actually taking responsibility for what he is a part of? How refreshing. I've never heard Derek speak before, and, I'm...
Prayers up Dawg. Keep the faith, brother. You can do this.
Well, he didn't get to play much, but, at least he's walking away with a Media degree... and a job. Thanks for being a Gator, Riley.
Very true, I think. That didn't impact Driskel, though. He came in under Muschamp and left when McElwain was hired.
Well, a good example of that was Jeff Driskel. He was a 5-star who was ranked number one as a dual-threat QB. But, his HS coaching was far less...
Yep, just ask Michael Jackson and Jameis Winston.
Not sure how we're going to replace his six career tackles here. ;) Only interesting note here is that the last of our four Pounceys has left the...
There's no individual replacement for Pearsall's perfect routes. But, collectively, I'm hoping these guys can fill the void.
I expect to see Chimere Dike play a complimentary role with Tre this year.
I believe there is only one thing that could keep Lagway from being the future here... Napier leaving (which would also imply a below-expectation...
Glad we didn't waste a scholarship on this one. Adios.
Game time doesn't seem to be set yet, but, I can't remember it ever being at anything other than 3:30. I always assumed that was for crowd...
With the exception of the Georgia game (which always seems to happen at 3:30), gametimes can be set by the networks as late as game week.
You mean like when millions of taxpayers were forced to pick up the tab for billions of dollars of legitimate student loan contracts?
Probably not, but, RBs do get hurt. Good to have that backup in the room. But, I get your point. No one sticks around for long without PT anymore.
There were actually two aircraft with the B-26 designator. The B-26 Marauder during WWII, and the B-26 Invader in the Korea era. Both awesome...
Yeah, my dad flew B-26 bombers in that "South Korean War." Only, he did his best to drop his bombs on the "North Korean War" side. ;)
Name that tune.