If he desn't like contact in college, NFL will break him in half.
Honestly haven't been able to watch a lot of Gator football this year but is it not true when AR has a good game running, it usually translates...
Center for countering digital hate. :emoji_joy:
Targeting is such a buulsheet arbitrary penalty. Just add it to the list of why college football will continue on it's downward spiral.
Is he just shooting for a chapter 11?
NFL must have plenty of money to piss away, no other explanation.
Damn it, USCE game got me all excited. :p
Hillary will only be 77...:D
Crazy thing is if they played in buffalo, place would most likely be packed.
Seems to be a more regular occurence with govt officials, not good.
Funny how getting former dawgs never seems to work out. :)
On top of being humiliated, I hope someone gator chomped the shit out of rattler after last year.
Pretty sure I've got some Spurrier era, lucky, big game winning underwear stashed in a drawer somewhere. :D
They should make her speaker of the house...:D
Man, if Timmy couldn't manage to hold a clipboard...
Politics circa 2022.
It's the go to THFSG insult. Different POV = trumper.
Damn thing is crawling, better speed up soon or don't see how it'll even make it to Gainesville by Saturday.
Hurricaine warnings for st lucie to flagler.