Just wow. That sucks. Freakin parasites
I've been a Gator fan ever since I knew what football was, so since the late 1960s. This old gator has seen ups and downs. The ups were all the...
That didn't take long.
Waiting for maga world to treat him the same way they treat swift
They love him for it
Off topic but back in the day at Gator games: go bananas go go bananas
In before he is called a commie
Political prisoner
Straight into zelenskys secret account. Hunters laptop was used for the transfer. Get on it gym Jordan!
enjoy your vacation traitor
next they'll be telling us Biden arranged the hurricane and the path it took :rolleyes:
Don't move, they will be there shortly to take you into custody and take away your ar 15 and trump poster.
In the past he's even threatened to deport US citizens who dare to criticize him. Nothing authoritarian about that at all. Yet they adore him for it.
Yep, there is literally nothing he could do or say to lose his hard core supporters.... but it's not a cult.
so now Fox is a bunch of radical leftist America hating commies too? hard to keep up. (looks for that on my bingo card)
If the q anon caucus gave a damn, they'd get their lazy asses back from recess and pass a funding bill to address this. Scumbags.
Typical, vote against funding and then bitch that there isn't funding. Thanks gop
It was a question based on your statement, which implied that there could finally be peace if we just let Israel's enemies erase Israel. Care to...
WITCH HUNT,, but ____________, Hunter Biden, and all the predictable crap they spew to defend their orange god.