That's funny stuff coming from the party that elected the brain-dead sweatshirt dude.
It appears the video on twitter has been cut and spliced. I saw the whole video last night on the news and it doesn't appear to be nearly as...
That is not what happened and you know that.
So, your flippant response is you don't care that the supposedly most protected, safest place on this planet can be breached with a white powder?...
Can we all agree this is a bad deal? I don't care who left it, but we need to know and if we can't get to the bottom of that then we are in a...
Do we not live in America? HOA's make all kinds of ridiculous rules. I didn't know that flying a flag was political???? I thought it was a...
No more from the left about how Trump brings down the dignity of the WH!!!! I guess can they pull his plea? Wasn't that containment on him...
I actually meant dribble!!!! [img]
You read this thread and most on others on THFSG and then tell me that the represented liberals that post on this forum don't think that way. If...
It truly is amazing to me that you lefties have worked yourself up into such an echo chamber that you actually believe the dribble you spout. Do...
Then it is not prochoice, it is proabortion.
This is not Ireland, and if the doctor is doing his job correctly then there is NO need to worry about a conviction.
If you are not allowing a woman to make the choice anytime during pregnancy, then it is no longer prochoice!! If you want to say it is a woman's...
Should be banned for calling anyone that voted for Trump a Nazi antisemitic sympathizer, but we know that won't happen!!!
Again, I am not a paper writer, and my tenure is based on my sales and profit generated, not a research paper, but if this kind of paper can be...
Why do you guys think it is not ok to "interpret" the intent of the 14th amendment, but want to "interpret" the meaning of the 2nd amendment?
I'm really not trying to be a jack@$$ here but the way I read your response, peer review is not much more than spell checker, and we probably...
I know reading comprehension is not good for you, but I posted in many states, and you even stated that it is illegal in some parts of Michigan....
Why does it not surprise me that you have family that would bait fields. Quite illegal in many states.