He refuses to. Plus, he wouldn't get the chance to type "libbie". So, you know, that being what motivates him more than anything. . . .
AMEN! Dumbest voting block in the history of electoral politics, dating back to antiquity.
Interesting. Good stuff! I would still argue there is a massive difference in terms of inebriation with pot vs. alcohol. So, in that respect,...
Maybe, technically, I'm still "impaired". But there is NO WAY you or someone who doesn't know me well could tell if I was or I wasn't. Again with...
He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. You try to throw a semi olive branch but realize pretty quickly he's over his skis on about everything.
I didn't lay it out that way, but that is the premise behind it. Those tests are for alcohol, and specifically test motor skills, which alcohol...
Either way, you going to have a tough time - at the very least - getting someone on a field sobriety test or DUI at all without some kind of blood...
If so, then the effects aren't noticeable. Theres nothing in a field sobriety I couldn't ace, even if I smoked a lot. As far as I'm concerned, I...
Cool. More nonsense. I'm sure the rest of thr short bus is proud.
That story has the bones of a good comedy skit.
He doesn't care. He just likes using the word "libbie". MAGA to the bone!
No, but weed - oddly enough - does. I don't know what it is about tobacco smoke, but that stuff gets in everything and never goes away. I worked...
They've got no shot on field sobriety and they know it. Sorry, but the minute I see those lights, the adrenalin kicks in and kills any and all...
Because, in the end, nobody but dorks have an issue with it.
Jesus! Word salad much? This is completely incomprehensible. Whatever dude. You're clearly off the reservation.
You could say that about his followers too!
Yeah, quicksand. What did they get, 7km for the cost of 3000 lives. At this rate of loss (you can look this up), they will run out of men before...
What's to lie about? Russia needlessly invaded. Did a horrific job off it and let the Ukrainians get on the front foot. Once they did, we gave...
You do realize this statement goes both ways, right? I'm guessing you supported the Iraq invasion for many of the same reasons you support...
The fact you see the mods on here as "leftie" is all we need to know about you. Out to Lunch much?