I'm not a child. There's a time and a place for that and it's not midday on a Wednesday. But go have another drink lush.
Good one! I think I got 5 for the fuselage today. Keep 'em coming!
WTF are you talking about? Mitigating factor? You can't be serious. Question is real simple here: Is it murder or not? If it IS murder, why...
Why does the means of conception matter if we're talking about a human life?
Yes, but if you saying that a fetus is something less than a born human, then the rights would shift to the born human (mother). Again, this is...
It's near the end. All the liberal sites are screaming about it, so you could always check there if you want a shorter clip.
And that's the problem and why we can't have an adult conversation about this. Or anything else for that matter. Being a divisive scumbag is too...
Here's the solution, but it was abandoned a couple decades ago. If all the political efforts were put into a hearts-and-minds campaign like this...
Or teeing up Kamala. . .
It's a doozy. So is Tucker's if you're into that kind of stuff. [MEDIA]
Not to mention, you KNOW they'll make a mess of it. Again, Prohibition is the comp. It passed so quick that they never gave a thought to...
But the alternative - jailing all involved with 1st Degree murder - is off the table too from an electoral perspective. This is the hypocrisy the...
Nothing. It's mind numbing. "Polly want a cracker?"
They're not honest actors dude. Don't fall for the trap. They have like 4-5 different FOX/Tucker provided talking points and after that. . ....
I think the best argument here - and one R's "should" understand if they aren't being total hypocrites - is that this is nobody's business but...
I would argue that, for 90% of those who call themselves Pro Life, it's far more about spiking the football in the D/Pro Choice end zone than...
She may be from San Fran, but she's more Hillary (corporate) than Jerry Brown.
What about Miller/Heidrich's "America is for Americans speech"?
He can come at me all day. Dude has nothing.