The feeling is not mutual, but would like to see you on the front lines of a protest right before. . . . Nah, you wouldn't have the guts.
And you're definitely a great memer. I'm sure the rest of the 12yo girls are really proud of you.
That's not sanctimony (you should use smaller words, that way you wouldn't look like a fool the way you do here). It's hatred! Yes, I completely...
As we are by you're ability to meme and post . . . sentences?
You're consistently an idiot who offers nothing to any conversation but this lame-ass attempt to hide your lack of intelligence. It's why you...
Case in point ^. Ah, yes, bringing so much to the table you are. And certainly lifting the intellectual bar. Any more completely worthless...
Ah, another attempt at pithy haiku. What a joke of a person you are. But it get it. I would play this game too if I was this dim a bulb. It's good...
Oh, cool meme bro! I get it. Words are hard.
Nobody is taking chit. And you're a one-trick, dim bulb. Got anything bro? Anything? Can you rub those two brain cells together and come up with...
Keep dreaming moron. Three to start the day. Bring it on baby! Let's coat this sucker with Badges of Honor!
Honest question. Can you explain what that smell in the room is. . . without mentioning the big pile of shit in the corner? Ah, your "intellect"...
It's their John Galt fantasy. Thiel and Musk have been dreaming of this for decades.
Sure man. I do it all the time just for kicks. Your sanctimony is duely noted.
Thank you!
No, I don't see it as my or my government's business. Meanwhile, you give us wish sandwiches with an extra helping of "feels". So typically MAGA.
Oh, because it will never sell politically? Got it. Make sense. The pro-life movement is all about muddying the waters. If they had to clarify...
So, is it murder or not? Answer the question. And then show me how that works in terms of policy. Or we could just finish up that wish sandwich. . .
So, a wish sandwich? Nice. I'm sure we'll see that any time now. Bro. It's going to have to pass legal muster. So, you know, try harder.
Going to need to investigate all of those too as there are other ways to terminate a pregnancy than going to the clinic. Oh, and that woman...