Lot of minutes gone for players outside the top 8, seems like. 11 players have recorded a stat. In fact, Zippy is the only player not in the box...
I've really enjoyed Faith Dut's development. A couple of years ago it was "for god's sakes don't shoot it" to now a nice finger-roll post shooter....
1-11 for 3's is ugh.
Tres bien.
Shoddy segment. That said: love Kyle and Brittany on the broadcast.
How about South Carolina women getting 100 on #10 Notre Dame?
Obviously Kyle getting on the board with the pick-and-roll was a good ice breaker, and that 3 just then finally getting a long ball. But best:...
UNF coach has the look of bar fight strong.
Kyle 0-7 first half. Ouch.
Fun first segment. Reynolds looks like she's going to be fun to watch.
"she's a defender at heart" YES
Don't forget, women's game is starting....now.
Let's go Gators!!!!!!!!!! Work can wait. Come on Lady Gators, give me a team to route for! Eager to see Zippy 2.0.
Wait...Faith? How did I miss that? Thought she graduated.
In the picks thread, I was surprised at some high scores predicted for us, and some high scores for Loyola MD.
Glad to see some talk in this thread about defense. I'm eager to watching the season start whether defense has come together as a unit, as well as...
I took a look at some of the SEC openers today. Some opponents I actually have never heard of. "South Carolina Upstate"? "Texas A&M-Commerce"?...
Count me as glad to hear the update, for reasons that I’m not even sure of. I guess I want to believe that a story like him can still happen.
Oddly enough, Pitino and St. John’s lost an exhibition last night to D2 Pace University. Odder still, Pitino autocorrected to Putin.
My worry: our OL and DL get ground into dust. We're getting better, but still too big of a gap.