He seems to struggle against athletic guys that have height on him. But we are so deep it doesn't matter.
I'm just glad he didn't go to Kentucky or Arkansas. He's going to be a force. Already pretty good.
The waves of stifling defense just wears other teams down, then it becomes a free for all on offense.
Holy Smokes Will Richard!
I would expect ASU to start jackng up 3s to try and get back in this but they keep going inside trying to get 3 the hard way.
I'ts that dog Martin that gets everyone going on D. It's contagious.
I love when the second unit is in and quickly run off a 6-0 run.
Walter is always feeling it, LOL.
I thought for sure Condon was hacked on teh alley oop attempt. No matter, but Hurley complains after every play, but the refs are horrible on both...
Pretty good half. D played well. Got hot with 3s early, but bad decisions and turnovers keeping ASU in it. More Martin, less Aberdeen, please.
Denzel killing us today. Alexis should never take a 3 again.
Our 3 point shooting is reverting to the mean.
These refs are horrible. Not calling obvious fouls then calling phantom fouls.
It worked.
The refs are letting everything go in this game.
Haugh was hacked on that rebound big time. Doesn't matter. Richard is everywhere - deflecting passes, blocking shots, hitting 3s, making taking it...
I really don't like ASU's chances in this game if Will is hitting from 3 today.
The few times I saw him nobody on the field could touch him. I've not seen his stats, but what I did see looked impressive. If not for the injury,...
Because the QB for USC was an absolute stud. Lamar Jackson like.
This is great information. Thanks, Eric! I think with such few data points, some of the numbers are just match-up specific and will change as we...