In years past there were groups and movements that were much more prominent to support women’s rights. These were equity based and they worked....
lol it’s hard to argue with Rock solid logic like that
[IMG] From his press conference trying to take credit for what democrats accomplished: [MEDIA]
givernor and state should lay out the basic guard rails for higher Ed to follow. But they should not micromanage how higher Ed does their work....
again these offices at most institutions are token attempts to address real diversity issues but have very little real influence. I think having a...
Off topic much guys? Anyways - here's an article - from inside higher ed - about how DEI positions are window dressing Frustrated DEI staff are...
Fog of war is thick these days. Hard to know for sure what is happening but things seem pretty much the same right now. Do have to question how...
Actually - from what you are saying above - it sounds like you think minorities have been whining for decades. I know plenty of liberals who don't...
What I will say to sum up my conversation here is that this is a mistake. It will hurt higher ed in Florida in the medium and long term. And...
Again, that's just like, your opinion. I'm way more upset about the overall general crap education my kid gets here in Florida than I am about...
Nope, we don't do it too. That's just a convenient conservative excuse to move towards authoritarianism. Who is most often banning books? Yeah......
Hey isn't school choice a conservative ideal? That being said I don't really want to expand into a k-12 debate with you. There is just as much...
To be fair, cons don't like corporations that they feel are too liberal either. Hence why they are always bitching about things like twitter until...
Russia could have total victory - but it would cost literally millions of lives on both sides. They would have to essentially reduce Ukraine to 0...
oh ok that drop in the bucket makes us even for sure... but the money they have is SO SMALL compared to everything else. And they are routinely...
first of all - I don’t think they’re comparable. But frickrn cons love them and hate higher Ed even though higher Ed is more “free”. second,...
You basically saw some stuff that you yourself describe as a nuisance and have made huge sweeping generalizations about an organization that you...
I appreciate the engagement over the course of the thread. I didn't think anyone would actually engage beyond name calling and stupid gifs. But...
DeSantis would be worse because he isn't completely insane. He might actually accomplish something - and it won't be good.